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Too Much of a Good Thing? 7 Healthy Foods to Eat in Moderation

By Fitoru | 25 October 2018
lady tasting cupcake with finger

We’ve all been there. We pack up our reusable bags, drive to the grocery store, and head inside. Then we find ourselves staring at the shelves, wondering what to buy. Medical opinion about which foods are healthy seems to change with the seasons. So, when you hear that one of your favorite treats is doctor-approved, you might be tempted to buy the item in bulk. Unfortunately, some so-called health foods are best eaten in moderation. Read on to discover seven foods and drinks you should consume in small doses.

Overindulging in these foods is not good for your health.
Healthy eating requires eating in moderation. Overindulging in certain foods can actually be hazardous to your health.

1.Canned Tuna

Think you’re being smart by packing that tuna sandwich for lunch every day? While fish is generally regarded as a health food, overindulging in canned tuna has its drawbacks. Although the protein and omega-3 fatty acids in tuna are a boon to the body, the mercury that often features in this food is less than beneficial, particularly for women who are pregnant. Additionally, canned foods can contain a substance known as bisphenol A, or BPA. According to a 2010 report by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, BPA is known to have an adverse effect on brain development in infants and fetuses.Still, tuna is generally regarded as a safe and healthy meal option when consumed in moderation. For best results, skip the mayo-drenched sandwich in favor of serving your tuna up with a side of salad.

2. Soy

Beloved by vegetarians and the lactose intolerant alike, soy is a protein derived from the soybean plant. And according to a 2008 study by the United Soybean Board, an impressive 85% of respondents believe this food is a healthy one. While the many varieties of soy make it a versatile meal option (think tofu, soy milk, and tempeh, among other options), some medical experts recommend limiting how much of this food you consume. Various studies have suggested that women who consume large amounts of soy may actually have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than those who abstain. Consuming soy as a baby may lead people to suffer more asthma and allergy attacks later in life. While soy does offer a number of benefits as well, including a potential ability to lower cholesterol levels, it seems best to use moderation when consuming soy.

3.  Green Juices

What could possibly be bad about green juices? After all, they’re usually packed with spinach, kale, and an array of healthy fruits and veggies. And while the green juices and smoothies you make at home in your blender are probably relatively good for you, the kind you buy in the store might not be so healthful. Bottled green beverages are often packed with sugars and other artificial ingredients that can have a negative effect on your diet. For best results, read the nutrition label carefully before purchasing a pre-made juice or smoothie. Searching for a green smoothie that’s as healthy as it is nutritious? Try out Veggie Shake’s Super Greens Veggie Smoothie or Green Light Go Weight Loss Juice.

4. Lemon Water

Lemon water is one of the most hydrating, refreshing beverages you can enjoy on a hot day. Not only is lemon water virtually calorie free, but it’s also a tasty, tart way to drink more water while getting your daily dose of vitamin C. Still, not all the lemon water news out there is positive. Believe it or not, overindulging in this drink might put you at risk for dental problems, as the acid in lemon is known to damage tooth enamel. If you prefer your water with a generous squeeze of lemon, consider drinking it with a straw to cut back on the cavity risk.

5. Tomatoes

From beefsteaks to cherries, grapes to heirlooms, tomatoes come in an array of delicious and colorful varieties. If you’re not prone to heartburn or reflux, you can probably eat tomatoes to your heart’s content. However, if indigestion has a habit of showing up to ruin your day, you might want to cut back on this summertime favorite. Because they have a lower pH level than other forms of produce, tomatoes can interfere with your stomach’s natural pH, resulting in a burning sensation in the chest that lasts for hours. Can’t resist the lure of this fruit? Opt to eat your tomatoes cooked to minimize the symptoms. Or you can decide to dress your pasta with basil pesto or olive oil mixed with parsley instead of the traditional red sauce.

6.  Nuts

If you’re looking to get a little more protein and healthy fat in your diet, you might be tempted to reach for that tin of cashews or bag of almonds. And while the nutrients in many nuts are great for boosting heart health, these savory treats are often extremely high in calories. So, if you’re counting, you might want to avoid overindulging in this food. For best results, read the serving size and stick to it when snacking on nuts. Moreover, if sodium is a problem, you might want to purchase a container without added salt.

7. Red Wine

We’ve all seen the reports about how red wine is good for us. Still, doctors and nutritionists warn that not all the news about red wine is positive. If you’re consuming more than a glass a day, you might be putting yourself at risk for weight gain, depression, and even cirrhosis. Additionally, individuals who are taking certain medications need to check with their doctors to avoid dangerous drug interactions. While it’s crucial to consume alcohol in moderation, you might not want to close the door entirely on red wine. Not only is this libation healthy for the heart, but it also contains a large amount of antioxidants. And according to one study, individuals who drink at least one glass a week are less likely than abstainers to suffer cognitive decline late in life.

No one’s saying you need to cut these foods out of your diet all together. However, eating and drinking these treats in moderation will help you enjoy all the benefits without suffering any of the drawbacks.

To read more about health and nutrition, click here.



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