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10 Keto Diet Tips to Try

By Fitoru | 06 May 2020

The keto diet requires eating a very small amount of carbohydrates, a moderate amount of protein, and a high amount of fat to switch your body’s metabolism to a state of ketosis in which you burn ketones for energy instead of glucose from carbs. While the body is built for ketosis, it’s not an adaptation most of us are used to, which can make starting and sticking to a keto diet that much harder. We’ve seen the remarkable effects of the keto diet firsthand, and want to support you with these 10 keto diet tips.

1. Monitor Your Macros and Ketones

Ketosis requires keeping your carbs within 20 to 35 grams a day for a macronutrient breakdown of:

  • 5% carbs
  • 20% protein
  • 75% fat

Lofty dietary goals for most of us, and it can help to have the support of a good macronutrient tracker, such as or My Fitness Pal.

We’ve curated a list of the 12 best keto apps to make managing your macros easier. Check it out here!

Along with tracking your macros, you’ll also want to track your ketone levels to make sure you reach and stay in ketosis. You can do this with ketone blood test strips, urine test strips, and breath meters. Some are more accurate or more convenient than others. 

We’ve tested them all out for you and have our best recommendations for keto strips in this article here.

2. Prepare for the Keto Flu

You’ve heard the rumors and know it’s coming for you—the keto flu.

The nausea, the headaches, the fatigue, the dizziness. 

These are all real experiences from real people who’ve embarked on a keto diet without the right flu aids.

The symptoms arise as a natural reaction to switching over to ketosis. After a couple of weeks on the keto diet they will naturally subside, but in the meantime they are uncomfortable and annoying.

You can sidestep them by making sure you’re staying hydrated and meeting your electrolyte needs, particularly sodium, calcium, and magnesium. 

When you start eating low carb, your insulin levels decline and your kidneys excrete more sodium, which leaves you at risk of keto flu.

It’s imperative that you consume at least 3 to 5 grams of sodium per day on a keto diet, but that’s good sodium, such as from Himalyan pink salt. For reference, 1 teaspoon of pink salt contains 2 grams of sodium.

It’s also a good idea to boost electrolytes alongside ketones with a BHB supplement. We recommend our BHB oil powder or capsules, which protect against keto flu symptoms by getting you into ketosis quicker and also making sure your electrolyte needs are met with additional boosts of sodium, magnesium, and calcium. 

3. Go for High Intensity on the Regular  

When you’re first starting out on a keto diet you’re likely not to feel up to anything more than gentle exercise as your body adapts. But once you’re in ketosis and feeling more energetic than ever (and trust us, you will), engaging in regular, high-intensity exercise will push up your carb limit and help to balance your hormones and blood sugar levels.

That’s because high-intensity exercise activates a protein molecule called GLUT-4 receptor in liver and muscle tissue. GLUT-4 extracts glucose from the bloodstream for storage as liver and muscle glycogen. High-intensity efforts double production of this protein, so that you can eat more carbs than the average keto dieter can.

High intensity doesn’t just mean cardio bursts like star jacks and lunge jumps. Go for high-intensity reps of resistance training exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and push-ups.

4. Intermittent Fast

Restricting calories for certain days or hours is a great hack for slashing carbs so that you get into ketosis quicker. Beat back hunger with keto coffee and a splash of MCT oil to help increase ketone production and regulate blood sugar levels.

There are several ways to intermittent fast while on a keto diet.

Eat dinner at 7 pm, sleep for 8 hours, skip breakfast, and eat at noon and you will have fasted for 16 hours!

You could also choose one day a week to only consume liquids and go on a 24-hour fast. Or you can cut your calories to 600 for 2 days a week.

For more guidance on how to intermittent fast guide, check out this article.

5. Control Constipation

Constipation is a common keto complaint, not only because it’s uncomfortable, but also because it sabotages your keto efforts. It puts undue stress on your body, destabilizes your hormones, and drives up your blood sugar levels, all factors that can kick you out of ketosis. 

Constipation can occur if you have an overgrowth of candida or SIBO, if you aren’t consuming enough fiber or fermented foods, if you aren’t getting enough electrolytes or you are dehydrated, or if stress is on overdrive. 

To learn more about constipation on keto and what causes it, read this article

6. Keep Protein Intake in Check

Everybody’s nutritional needs are different, even when following strict keto diet macro percentages. Some of us need more protein than others, such as those who are trying to build muscle with strength-building exercises.

But the majority of keto dieters would do well to keep their protein intake within the 20% guidelines. When you consume too much protein, your body converts the excess amino acids into glucose, which shoots you straight out of ketosis. 

7. Choose Your Carbs Wisely

Low carb is the name of the keto game, but that doesn’t give you free reign to eat whatever carbs you want within those 20-35 grams.

It’s important to choose nutrient-dense, high-fiber carbs, such as non-starchy vegetables like Brussels sprouts and low-sugar fruits like vegetables.

If you’re practicing cyclical keto dieting, then you can boost your carbs on the higher carb days with an extra handful of berries or a sweet potato rather than a slice of cake.

8. Take MCT Oil

Keeping those carbs low and protein moderate is perhaps the most difficult part of the ketogenic diet. MCT oil supports your macronutrient ratios with pure energy from medium-chain fatty acids so you have more flexibility with how much carbohydrate and protein you can eat in a day.

We recommend our MCT Oil Softgels formulated with a precise ratio of 60% Caprylic Acid (C8) and 40% Capric Acid (C10). Easier on the stomach and easier to take than liquid MCT oil supplements, our softgels activate thermogenesis in the body to help boost your metabolism, burn more fat, and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

9. Sleep Soundly

Sleeping soundly helps keep your stress hormones and blood sugar levels low. Sleep is the time for your body to heal and restore. The very worst thing you could do for your body while on a keto diet is to deprive it of the sleep it needs to adjust and function at its peak.

To help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep quality, try these sweet sleep tips:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time
  • Sleep in a cool room
  • Use blackout curtains
  • Don’t have electronics or artificial lights in the bedroom
  • Relax with a bedtime routine

10. Find a Keto Buddy

It’s always more fun with a partner!

You and your keto buddy can help hold each other accountable, run challenges together, and come up with new recipes.

There’s a whole community of keto dieters out there who love to inspire, share tips, and offer support. Join our keto Facebook community here

There you have it! 10 keto diet tips that will help you level up your ketogenic efforts. Subscribe to our newsletter for more keto diet tips headed your way.

10 Keto Diet Tips to Ensure Success


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We’re putting the delicious back in dieting, so that, as your body kicks into ketosis, you don’t feel like you’re sacrificing anything…not taste, not enjoyment, and certainly not fulfillment.

  • 5-10% Carbs

  • 15-25% Protein

  • 65-75% Fat

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