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What Is a FODMAP and Low FODMAP Diet Benefits

By Fitoru | 24 December 2018
lady with tummy pain

If you have irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut you have probably heard the term FODMAP. This acronym stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. To put this more simply, FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates that pull water into your gut. This process can cause the carbohydrates to ferment and contribute to digestive distress.

Stanford Medicine’s Digestive Health Center notes that FODMAPs are common and are found in:

  • Fructose in honey, some fruits, and high fructose corn syrup
  • Lactose in dairy products
  • Fructans in garlic, onion, and wheat
  • Galactans in legumes, soy, lentils, and beans
  • Polyols in sugar alcohols like sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, and mannitol as well as stone fruits like avocados, cherries, peaches, plums, and nectarines

The foods on this list are high in FODMAPs and can cause common irritable bowel syndrome symptoms including constipation, gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. If you experience these symptoms after consuming high FODMAP foods, you might want to try the low FODMAP diet plan created by researchers in Australia at Monash University.

Low FODMAP Diet Plan

A low FODMAP diet plan starts by eliminating high FODMAP foods for four to six weeks. During this period you should notice an improvement in your gut health and reduced (or eliminated) digestive distress after eating.

During the second phase of a low FODMAP diet, you reintroduce high FODMAP foods, one at a time. This allows you to quickly identify the foods that trigger unpleasant symptoms as well as the foods you can enjoy that don’t cause IBS symptoms.

What Is a FODMAP?

High FODMAP Foods to Avoid

In the first phase of a low FODMAP diet, you need to eliminate the following foods from your diet.

Dairy and Milk

Cow’s milkGoat’s milkEvaporated milk
Fresh cheesesIce creamSoy milk
Sweetened condensed milkWhey protein supplementsYogurt



Proteins, Nuts, and Seeds

Kidney beansCashewsPistachios


ApplesApple juiceApple sauce
DatesFigsDried fruit


Brussels sproutsCabbageCauliflower
OnionSugar snap peas 


High fructose corn syrupHoneyXylitol


Soft drinks with high fructose corn syrupSoft drinks sweetened with sugar alcohols

Moderate FODMAP Foods to Limit

The foods on this list are considered moderate FODMAP foods. Limit these foods to one small serving, once a day. If you continue to experience gastrointestinal upset while on a low FODMAP diet plan, eliminate these moderate FODMAP foods during the first phase of the diet plan.


BeetsButternut squashCorn
Green peasPumpkinSnow peas
Sweet potatoes  


Shredded coconutDried banana chips 



Low FODMAP Foods to Enjoy

Yes, there are a lot of foods that contain FODMAPs. Fortunately, there are even more foods that don’t contain these carbohydrates known for causing digestive upset in people with gastrointestinal diseases. The foods on this list can be consumed freely.

Meat and Proteins

EggsFree-range poultryWild-caught fish
Grass-fed lambGrass-fed beefTempeh

Dairy and Milk Alternatives

Almond milkCheddar cheeseCoconut milk
Colby cheeseParmesan cheeseRice milk
Swiss cheese  

Breads and Grains

Gluten-free breadsGluten-free pastaGluten-free oats
Gluten-free cornGMO-free riceQuinoa
Sourdough spelt  


Bean sproutsBamboo shootsBell peppers
Bok choyCarrotsChives
Choy sumCucumbersFresh herbs
PotatoesSalad greensSpinach
Spaghetti squashTomatoZucchini


Honeydew melonKiwiKumquat
OrangePassion fruitPineapple


Avocado oilButterCoconut oil
Grape seed oilMaple syrupMayonnaise

Nuts & Seeds

MacadamiaOrganic peanutsPecans
Pine nutsPumpkin seedsWalnuts

Low FODMAP Diet Benefits

A low FODMAP diet can benefit many aspects of your health including:

  • Weight loss
  • Less stomach pain
  • Less diarrhea
  • Less bloating
  • Less gas
  • Less constipation
  • Reduced stress
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Reduced depression

However, many high FODMAP foods contain important vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients. When you begin a low FODMAP diet it would be wise to take a vitamin supplement to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need.

Learn more about the benefits of a low FODMAP diet and the foods you must avoid.


  1. Thanku for great information i suffer with ibs and ended up in hosp with a twisted bowel neva want this to happen again will follow yer advice plez any other advice wud b great thanku sooo much 🤗🤗🤗


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