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How Does Lipozene Work and Is It Safe for Weight Loss?

By Fitoru | 16 August 2019
lady holding supplements and tape measure

Dietary supplements for weight loss are big business, and it’s easy to understand why: if you could take a diet pill to lose weight rather than have to count calories and work out for hours, wouldn’t you be tempted? It isn’t just a matter of not wanting to put in the work: some people eat right and work out like a triathlete and still have difficulty with sustainable weight loss. In desperation, some will begin to abuse laxatives hoping to drop those last few pounds, which does nothing but lead to disappointing results and possibly dangerous consequences. That brings us to Lipozene: what is this weight-loss supplement made of and how does Lipozene work to help you burn fat? We have the answers here.

What Is Lipozene?

Lipozene is a weight-loss pill whose active ingredient is glucomannan, a water-soluble fiber from a plant known as Amorphophallus konjac or the “elephant yam,” a tuber native to Japan, China, and Southeast Asia. The konjac plant is also the source of konjac noodles. You may know them as shirataki noodles or “the miracle noodle,” a staple of low-carb diets like the keto diet because they’re a great pasta substitute.

Glucomannan is the sole active ingredient in Lipozene, and as a water-soluble fiber it absorbs water, which has numerous dietary benefits:

  • Increases satiety
  • Slows stomach emptying
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar

Drop Lipozene into water and you’ve got a neat party trick: it can turn your water into gel right before your eyes!

Glucomannan is used as a natural thickener in other foods, and it can help relieve constipation by drawing more water to your stool, which allows for gentler passage through your digestive tract.

Speaking of additives, Lipozene purchased commercially usually contains gelatin (mainly in the capsule), stearic acid, and magnesium silicate, ingredients that keep the product from clumping together.

How Does Lipozene Work for Weight Loss?

Studies have shown that those who consume more dietary fiber on a regular basis weigh less than those who do not. Scientists attribute this to a number of reasons we’ll discuss below. The selling point of Lipozene is that it’s a water-soluble fiber capable (like chia seeds) of expanding into a gel-like consistency, which is precisely how it helps with weight loss.

1. Increases Feelings of Fullness and Satiety

Lipozene may promote weight loss by expanding inside your stomach, basically swelling up and making you feel fuller when you haven’t eaten that much food. If you don’t feel hungry, you’re far less likely to desire a snack in between pre-planned healthy meals. Not only that, but its bulk slows the rate of stomach-emptying, which helps keep down dangerous blood sugar spikes.

2. Lipozene Is Low in Calories

Just as konjac noodles are so low in calories and carbs that they’re almost akin to eating air, Lipozene fills you up without adding extra calories to your daily count. It’s about the caloric equivalent of eating celery sticks, except that Lipozene may also work to prevent your body from absorbing some of the other calories you do eat during the day, like those from fat and protein.

3. Aids Gut Health as a Prebiotic

We can’t really digest fiber. That’s why fiber in through the mouth means fiber out in our waste at the end. 

What can digest fiber, however, is the good gut bacteria that lives in our gut microbiome. Probiotics are new, active bacteria found in fermented foods like kefir and Greek yogurt, but prebiotics are foods for bacteria, keeping them healthy so they can optimize our digestion, immunity, and mood. 

Our gut is the frontline defense against stomach bugs, flus, and other opportunistic viruses that somehow find their way into our bodies. And here’s a bonus: healthy gut flora can help you lose weight too.

Studies show that obesity has a microbial component and that the intake of prebiotic fiber helps protect against risk factors for metabolic syndrome and obesity. This is true of other types of soluble fiber as well, not just the glucomannan in Lipozene, though other water-soluble fibers don’t necessarily gel up the same way to help you feel fuller for longer.

Does Lipozene work and is it safe?

Does Lipozene Work Practically or…?

Anecdotal evidence from Lipozene reviews online are one thing, but just because glucomannan fiber has the potential to help with weight loss doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you…or does it? 

Here are some scientific studies done on glucomannan and weight loss specifically to give you a better picture of its efficacy.

  • Some small clinical trials have found that glucomannan has beneficial effects in increasing satiety, though more research is needed for a complete scientific consensus.
  • This 2005 study found that participants taking a fiber supplement containing glucomannan lost over 3.5 pounds more than a placebo group.
  • This systematic review of studies from 2015 found that glucomannan appears to help reduce the body weight of obese and overweight people.

The only side effects reported by some were feelings of bloating and abdominal discomfort due to the swelling of the fiber. If you’re worried about this discomfort, start small. And if you’re considering Lipozene, clinical studies over customer reviews on a Lipozene website should help you decide whether it’s right for you.

Other Benefits of Soluble Fiber

While soluble fiber supplements containing glucomannan may help you consume fewer calories and ultimately lose body fat, there are even more impressive health benefits from upping your intake of water-soluble fibers like glucomannan.

A Cure for Constipation

We mentioned it before, but along with improved gut bacteria health, glucomannan can help treat constipation. If you suffer from chronic constipation, as few as 3 grams of glucomannan per day might go even farther than other forms of dietary fiber to help, thanks to its amazing ability to absorb moisture and encourage gentle passage of your stool.

Reduced Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease

The other big health benefit: a reduction in blood sugar levels. When you eat sugary foods like carbs, and those sugars hit your bloodstream all at once, it causes a spike in blood sugar levels that could increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition, glucomannan may help lower the amount of blood fats in your system, which is one of the main risk factors for heart disease.

Friendly Fiber

The bottom line when it comes to Lipozene and weight loss is: yes, it can help, but no, it’s not magic. There’s a lot of hype around diet pills and other fast weight-loss tactics, and usually the real story is that supplements can help, but they can’t do the hard work for you.

If you want to lose weight fast, there’s still no healthy way to cheat: you’ve got to be disciplined enough to make some lifestyle changes if you want to see long-term fat loss, and not just yo-yo up and down with water weight. Nevertheless, while it may not result in significant weight loss, especially if it’s not paired with exercise or a healthy diet, glucomannan supplementation still provides a scientifically proven way to eat less, feel fuller, improve your gut health, and alleviate constipation, so don’t be afraid to give it a try.

Just one final note: glucomannan supplements, like most supplements, are not closely regulated by the FDA, so when choosing a product, we recommend that you make sure the company you buy from has ethical standards and health practices.


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