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Essential Oils for Weight Loss

By Fitoru | 21 September 2018
person dripping essential oils on hand

Essential oils smell amazing, but did you that they can boost weight loss? Weight loss is not just about a healthy diet; it depends on other factors such as metabolism, hormones, metabolism, and the environment. Essential oils have been used for their benefits for over 6,000 years. Essential oils can be obtained from the roots, seeds, flowers, or leaves of the plant. There is a variety of essential oils available, and each one has specific characteristics and offers unique benefits—weight loss is one of them.

Aromatherapy is the use of plant extracts and essential oils in massage or baths to reduce anxiety, support the immune system, and promote digestive health. Research suggests that essential oils may have therapeutic properties, including the ability to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. In the book Essential Oils: A Beginner’s Guide Revealing the Power of Essential Oils, the author mentions Dr. Alan Hirsch of The Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Institute of Chicago. He discovered that inhaling the aroma of some essential oils throughout the day and before meals can curb appetite.

So, what are the essential oils that help with weight loss?


Other Essential Oils
Weight Loss Essential Oils
Essential Oils that help promote Weight Loss

Grapefruit essential oil has the ability to suppress appetite through a process called lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fats and other lipids to release fatty acids. Grapefruit peel is rich in compounds that improve metabolism and support the cleansing of the lymphatic system. For all these reasons, grapefruit is considered the number one essential oil to break down fat and curb appetite. You can dissolve a couple of drops in water, diffuse grapefruit essential oil at home or work, or massage your body with it.


Cinnamon essential oil promotes weight loss. Research shows that cinnamon has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels, so it is beneficial, especially for people with diabetes because it may reduce weight and cut sugar cravings by lowering blood sugar levels. You can easily add cinnamon oil to tea, desserts, and smoothies.


Ginger essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties, and it reduces sugar cravings. In addition to reducing weight, this essential oil supports the digestive system. The compounds found in ginger essential oil reduce inflammation in the bowel and improve the absorption of nutrients. If the body absorbs more nutrients, it is able to maintain a healthier weight. Studies conducted on mice found that ginger essential oil has beneficial properties that help fight free radicals and reduce inflammation.


Peppermint essential oil boosts energy, so your workout is more effective. This oil can also soothe sore muscles and reduce recovery time. Research found that peppermint oil mixed with water had beneficial effects on exercise performance, blood pressure, and respiratory rate in male athletes. When it comes to weight loss, peppermint oil may reduce hunger cravings and make you feel full faster. You can add peppermint oil to water, rub a couple of drops on your temples, or diffuse it. If you have sore muscles, add five drops to bathwater.


The mind plays a key role in food cravings. In fact, anxiety and depression are some of the biggest triggers of binge eating disorder. Lavender essential oil may lower cortisol levels, which cause stress and make the body store excess fat. A study found that lavender oil may have positive effects on the nervous system. The participants taking 80 mg of lavender per day showed less anxiety than those who took a placebo. Additional research suggests that lavender oil may inhibit anxiety and depression.


Fennel essential oil improves digestion and curbs appetite. It also contains melatonin, which regulates natural sleep cycles. A study conducted on rats showed that melatonin may have a positive impact on weight loss. In another study, rats were given fennel oil for eight weeks twice a day and the results of the treatment revealed that the animals consumed fewer calories and their digestive systems improved. Sleep does not directly affect weight loss, but a sleep routine can certainly boost energy and mood, supporting weight loss in the long term.


Studies on the effects of aromatherapy showed that the scent of lemon essential oil may support neurological activity and promote fat breakdown. Lemon oil enhances positive mood, which you need to achieve your weight-loss goals. This essential oil also supports the gastrointestinal system, which is key when it comes to reducing weight and maintaining a healthy weight.


Juniper is a coniferous plant, and the oil obtained from this plant has antioxidant properties and may help prevent obesity. A team of researchers studied the compounds in juniper oil and concluded that juniper may be used to boost weight-loss goals. This oil can also be applied directly on the body to reduce water retention.

Other Essential Oils

Sage oil has been used in Asia for its health benefits. A study found that sage oil helps to prevent the oxidative stress that may lead to health conditions such as obesity and diabetes.

A study conducted on rats concluded that garlic essential oil may have protective properties, including the ability to reduce weight.

So, whether you dilute these essential oils in a carrier oil and rub them all over your body, or diffuse them in an aromatherapy diffuser, start benefiting from the weight-loss boons of these fragrant essences today!



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