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4 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Work Out

By Fitoru | 18 August 2017
lady sitting in gym looking at phone

Are you having a tough time getting yourself to the gym? Being a busy bee is no fun, but there are motivational tricks to help you break the mental block! Let’s quickly discuss four ways to motivate yourself to work out.

Psychologists have determined that the biggest motivation to working out is positive reinforcements (to yourself).  According to Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, “an extrinsic reward is so powerful because your brain can latch on to it and make the link that the behavior is worthwhile.”

To implement this method, you must trigger your behavior (e.g. placing workout clothes in a visible area in your home), partake in the activity/ workout, then give yourself a reward!  Doing this continuously will create a healthy habit and will rid of your mental block.  As Tom Haverford from Parks and Recs says, “TREAT YOURSELF!”

As time progresses, you won’t be going to the gym because of the reward, but because you want to do it for yourself.  Extrinsic rewards will mold into an intrinsic mentality.

Luckily, there are other ways to motivate yourself into working out.  These four ways to push yourself to the limit are backed up by researchers and scientists, who believe these are the key points in motivation:

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(Source: DailyBurn)


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