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2 Myths and 2 Facts About Belly Bloating 

By Fitoru | 16 May 2018
2 people holding signs - one smiling, one sad

We all know the feeling: your stomach hurts, your pants feel tight, and all you want to do is put on your favorite sweats and crawl into bed. Yes, belly bloating causes numerous issues for sufferers. Unfortunately, many of the people who live with this condition lack all the necessary information for treating it. Here are two myths about bloating, as well as two facts that can help you heal: 

Myths About Belly Bloating 

If You Avoid Carbonated Beverages, You Can Avoid Bloating. 


While it’s true that carbonated drinks result in O2 getting trapped in the belly, these aren’t the only beverages to cause problems. On the contrary, imbibing any drink through a straw results in excess air entering the body. If you’re suffering from bad bloating, refrain from drinking water or coffee through a straw, as well. And who knows? Skipping that sugary soda could also help you lose weight and cut inches from your waistline! 


Only People Who Are Lactose Intolerant Should Avoid Dairy. 


Of course, drinking milk is a problem for the those of us who have been diagnosed as lactose intolerant. However, you might not realize that consuming dairy can also lead to digestive issues—and big-time bloating—for people who have a sensitivity to these ingredients. In fact, 65 percent of the population has a reduced ability to digest dairy as adults. If overindulging in cheeses and creamy sauces leaves you with a bloated belly, think about switching to soy products or taking a probiotic pill each day to increase the amount of good bacteria in your stomach. 


Facts About Belly Bloating 

Fiber Fights Bloating. 


If belly bloating plays a regular role in your life, you might not have enough fiber in your diet. Because a build-up of waste materials in the colon can lead to bloating, it’s important to consume plenty of fiber every day. Aim for six to seven portions of fruits and veggies on a daily basis.  


Intermittent Fasting Can Help. 


In some cases, switching up your diet isn’t enough to fight belly bloating. People with persistent digestive troubles, such as swelling, discomfort, and the dreaded flatulence, might benefit from trying intermittent fasting. 

The process of incorporating cycles of eating and fasting into your schedule, intermittent fasting is one of the most effective ways of treating bloating naturally. There are multiple ways to practice IF, including the 16:8 schedule, where participants fast eight hours a day, and the alternate-day schedule, where fasters eat one day and consume very few calories the next. 

In fact, a study involving 36 participants in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine showed that fasting helped IBS sufferers by reducing symptoms like abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating, and diarrhea. 


While myths abound when it comes to digestion and bloating, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Talk to your doctor about whether or not intermittent fasting could be the cure you’re seeking. And let us know how it goes.  




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