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3 Natural Remedies for Bloating

By Fitoru | 09 May 2018
growing herbs out of glass bottles

If you’re a lifelong sufferer of bloating, the odds are good that you’ve tried your fair share of medications. Not only is it hard to find a treatment that works for every bloating patient, but some of the options result in numerous unpleasant side effects. For this reason, many bloating sufferers opt to treat their condition with natural remedies. 

From consuming more herbs to cutting out food all together for several hours a day, here are three natural remedies know for their ability to battle bloating. 



It’s easy to dismiss herbs as a hipster fad or a treatment favored by those who reject Western medicine. However, a growing amount of evidence suggests that certain herbs have carminative properties known to relieve gas and ease bloating. Containing volatile oils shown to stimulate the digestive system, carminatives include ginger, anise, and peppermint, among other herbs. According to a review published in the journal European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Studies, ginger is proven to speed the digestive process, so that gases move from the stomach to the intestines more quickly. The end result is reduced discomfort and less unpleasant bloating. 


Apple Cider Vinegar 

You’ve probably heard of adding honey or milk to your tea, but apple cider vinegar might be a new trick! Consuming just a teaspoon of raw ACV in the morning, perhaps with a little lemon for taste, can have a profound effect on your comfort throughout the day. Because apple cider vinegar functions as a probiotic, consuming it improves digestion while encouraging your lymphatic system to start flushing toxins from the body. Make ACV a part of your routine and reduce incidents of belly bloat for good. 




If you’ve never heard of turmeric, you might want to start familiarizing yourself with this powerful supplement. Containing an antioxidant known as curcumin, turmeric has impressive healing abilities. According to Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, patients with irritable bowel syndrome who took turmeric daily for eight weeks experienced a significant reduction in abdominal pain and discomfort. 


Intermittent Fasting 

Of course, adding to your diet isn’t the only way to control bloating and IBS symptoms naturally. If you’re experiencing persistent bloating and discomfort, you might want to think about intermittent fasting as a way of treating your condition. An umbrella term for various diets that include periods of fasting and non-fasting, IF gives the digestive system a chance to rest and heal while (typically) reducing the amount of calories individuals are consuming on a regular basis. According to a study in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine fasting had a significant effect on IBS sufferers, reducing symptoms of abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating, and diarrhea. 


Wondering if intermittent fasting might be right for you? Talk to your doctor about creating an eating plan that takes your needs, lifestyle factors, and goals into account. We look forward to hearing about whether or not intermittent fasting helped you reduce belly bloating naturally. 


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