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6 Essential Nutrients You Need

By Fitoru | 21 November 2017
smiling female doctor holding a green apple

Your body can create nutrients, which are called non-essential nutrients. However, there are essential nutrients, meaning your body cannot create these nutrients on their own, so you have to consume them to maintain a healthy and functioning body.  Here are the six essential nutrients to keep in mind!

1. Carbohydrates is a main source for brain and helps your body function properly.  You can find carbohydrates in fruits, breads and grains, starchy vegetables, and sugars.  Another thing to keep in mind is that whole grains and fruits are full of fiber, which reduces the susceptibility of getting coronary heart disease and helps your body to have normal blood glucose levels.

2.  Protein helps build and repair bodily damages to the tissues.  This nutrient is essential because it plays a role with the amino acids, since amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body.  The more protein you eat, the more amino acids!  You find protein sources in low-fat meat, dairy, beans, and eggs.

3.  Fat is consumed and is your main source of energy.  Make sure you eat saturated fat, which are good fats compared to unsaturated fat.  One way to differentiate saturated fat to unsaturated fat is that saturated fat is liquid in room temperature, whereas unsaturated fat is solid in room temperature.  You can find good fat in fat-soluble vitamins or in Omega-3s, which include nuts, seeds, and avocado.

4.  Vitamins vary and all have different functions.  Vitamin C helps provide structure for the blood vessels, bone, and ligaments; whereas Vitamin D helps maintain calcium homeostasis.  Vitamins can be found in many food sources and even by synthesizing the sun!

5.  Minerals consists of elements that your body needs to function harmoniously.  Sodium is a type of mineral that maintains fluid volume outside of cells and allows them to function normally.  Calcium is also another type of mineral that builds strong bones and teeth.  Some sources would be milk, low-fat cheese, and yogurt.

6.  Water is essential because it keeps the homeostasis in the body and transports nutrients in and to cells.  Adults are recommended to consume two to three liters per day.

Make sure to consume the appropriate amounts of essential nutrients daily!

(Source: HealthyEating)


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  • 5-10% Carbs

  • 15-25% Protein

  • 65-75% Fat

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